Arne Gillert, Kris Snick and Pieterjan van Wijngaarden edited a special issue on ‘participation’ for AI Practitioner, the international journal on Appreciative Inquiry: 'The Craft of Participation in a Changing World: how AI Practitioners can Help in 'Holding Space' for Generative Conversations.'
Participation has become more widespread. It can be used to improve policy decisions, but also to avoid them. People increasingly demand that their voices be heard. Both in society and in organisations. But it is not always self-evident how to create participatory processes in such a way that they lead to better decision-making. Can Appreciative Inquiry provide helpful perspectives? That is the focus of this special issue.
A varied group of authors from different backgrounds explore different aspects of participation: why is it necessary and important? How do we create spaces for constructive participation? What are important questions for the future?
The entire issue can be found here. It is also possible to download separate articles.